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AlzRisk Cohort Detail

Cohort: The H-70 Gerontological and Geriatric Population Studies
Risk Factors:

Introduction to the Cohort
In 1971, investigators for the Gothenburg H-70 study recruited 70-year-old residents of Gothenburg, Sweden, in order to study normal aging and social and medical needs of elderly Swedish residents. Initially, investigators followed 937 participants (age 70, born in 1901-1902) for 30 years. Since this time, 4 additional birth cohorts of 70-year-old participants have been recruited. Many of these nwere participants have also been followed longitudinally. In 1986-1987, a representative sample of all 85-year-old residents of Gothenburg, including institutionalized residents, was recruited and followed. When cohort members were 88, they were invited to complete a follow-up interview. Follow-up of this sample is ongoing.

Ethnicity Breakdown
All participants of the Gothenburg H70 Study were residents of Gothenburg, Sweden. No other information on ethnicity or race has been reported.

Diagnosis & Evaluation Methods
Dementia diagnosis was made by assessing the severity of disorientation with regard to time and place, severity of memory impairment measured by rating scales, by psychiatric evaluations, and by DSM-IIIR criteria. The diagnosis of AD was made according to NINCDS-ADRDA criteria.

For a detailed description, see Skoog et al. 1993.

Skoog I, Nilsson L, Palmertz B, Andreasson LA, Svanborg A. A population-based study of dementia in 85-year-olds. N Engl J Med. Jan 21 1993;328(3):153-158.

Gustafson D, Rothenberg E, Blennow K, et al. An 18-year follow-up of overweight and risk of Alzheimer Disease. Arch Intern Med. 2003; 163: 1524-1528.